
 Hypodontia…Your Child’s MissingShould Not Be a Problem | Pediatric Dentist Hoover

When children lose their baby teeth, it’s a rite of passage, but what happens when a permanent tooth doesn’t develop? A condition known as hypodontia is fairly common and treatable. When your child’s pediatric dental team in Hoover mentions that your child is missing a tooth or teeth, you probably want to know what it means for his or her smile.

What is hypodontia?

The term “hypodontia,” also known as “tooth agenesis,” refers to a congenital condition where an individual is born without teeth. Depending on which teeth are missing, a child may experience instability in the surrounding teeth, malocclusion, insufficient bone growth, difficulties chewing, and articulation issues. The child’s self-esteem may also suffer if the missing tooth or teeth affect their smile.

Missing primary teeth can often indicate missing permanent teeth, but hypodontia typically refers to missing adult teeth. Third molars, also known as wisdom teeth, are the most commonly missing teeth. Females are more likely than males to be born with congenitally missing teeth, but approximately 20% of adults are missing one or more teeth.

Hypodontia: How is it diagnosed?

Your child’s pediatric dentist in Hoover will be able to determine if your child is missing any teeth. A child’s X-rays will usually reveal gaps where permanent teeth should be, even if his or her mouth is still full of primary teeth. 

What Are the Causes of Hypodontia?

Congenitally missing teeth, in general, are caused by a trait inherited from the parents and usually affect one or two teeth. Some genetic conditions or early exposure to infections, trauma, or drugs have also been linked to hypodontia.

When a child is missing more than two teeth, they should be evaluated for a condition known as ectodermal dysplasia. The condition is rare but can result in several missing teeth, and existing teeth may be misshapen with a cone-like appearance. Symptoms may not be noticeable until a child’s teeth have formed. Ectodermal dysplasia can also affect the hair, nails, skin, and glands.

Treatment Options For Hypodontia

Since hypodontia can cause long-term problems, it’s important to have your child evaluated by a dentist to determine if treatment is necessary. Depending on the number and location of missing teeth, there are several ways to treat hypodontia. 

  • In addition to closing gaps, braces can give your child’s teeth stability.
  • Partial bridges can replace missing teeth and provide stability to the surrounding teeth.
  • When several teeth are missing or misshapen, alternative tooth replacement may be necessary.
  • Missing teeth can be replaced with dental implants.
  • Children with misshapen teeth due to ectodermal dysplasia may benefit from dental crowns in some cases.

If your child doesn’t have wisdom teeth, they are unlikely to need treatment. Considering many people need their third molars extracted, your child may be able to avoid some discomfort if they don’t have those teeth!

Our Hoover, AL pediatric dental office wants your child to have a healthy smile that will last a lifetime. We invite you to schedule an appointment if you’re concerned about your child’s oral health.

Indian Springs Pediatric Dentistry
Phone: (205) 739-7773
6496 Quail Run Drive
Hoover, AL 35124

Concerned About White Spots on Your Child’s Teeth? | 35124 Pediatric Dentist

Have you noticed white spots on your child’s teeth? Numerous factors can lead to white spots or discoloration on the teeth. Among these are illnesses and infections, vitamin deficiencies, excessive fluoride, and even trauma to the teeth. In many instances, these white spots are not harmful to their teeth, but they can make your child feel self-conscious. Our pediatric dental team in Hoover, AL can examine any white spots or discoloration on your child’s teeth to determine how best to improve their appearance.

Demineralization or decalcification

Demineralization, or decalcification, is the result of excessive and long-term bacterial buildup in the mouth. The bacteria attack the enamel, causing it to deteriorate. When the enamel wears away, white or brown spots may appear on the teeth. This type of discoloration can lead to cavities, so your child’s pediatric dentist will need to check their teeth at each dental appointment.

Enamel that is demineralizing or decalcifying is typically monitored. Other than brushing and flossing more frequently, if there is no decay present, no treatment is required. Children should brush their teeth twice a day and floss once a day to prevent excess bacteria buildup. Should a cavity form in the discolored area, restoring the tooth will be recommended. 

Enamel Hypoplasia

Teeth can develop white or brown spots as a result of enamel hypoplasia. The symptoms usually appear in childhood, but they can also appear in adults. Numerous factors contribute to this condition, including inadequate nutrition, high fevers from illness, smoking during pregnancy, and premature birth. Some medications and trauma to the teeth can also cause enamel hypoplasia. Children with enamel hypoplasia are at an increased risk of decay in areas with white spots, so it is recommended to carefully watch those areas.

Treatment options

Unless enamel hypoplasia is causing areas of tooth decay, it does not need to be treated. For children who are self-conscious about their appearance, teeth whitening, microabrasion, which involves removing a thin layer of discolored enamel, and veneers, which are thin wafers bonded over the affected teeth, can help reduce the visibility of the spots.


Fluorosis is common in children, but if left untreated, it may still be visible in adulthood. Fluorosis is caused by excessive fluoride exposure. Fluoride strengthens teeth, but too much of it can cause white, brown, or yellow spots. Most commonly, this occurs when fluoride is ingested from fluoridated water, fluoride-containing vitamin supplements, and toothpaste.

Fluorosis Treatment

Treatment options for fluorosis are similar to those for enamel hypoplasia, which include microabrasion, bleaching if the stains are yellow or brown, or having a porcelain veneer adhered to the surface of the tooth to hide the staining and discoloration.

Our pediatric dentist in 35124 can examine your child’s teeth to determine the cause of tooth discoloration and recommend a treatment plan. Your child may only require a dental cleaning if their teeth are simply stained. In some situations, we may be able to improve the appearance of your child’s smile with teeth whitening, microabrasion, and, in some situations, porcelain veneers if they have fluorosis or enamel hypoplasia. If your child has decalcified areas on their tooth enamel, our pediatric dentist can suggest ways to improve their at-home oral hygiene routine and monitor the areas for signs of tooth decay.

Please contact our pediatric dental office in Hoover, AL to schedule an appointment.

Indian Springs Pediatric Dentistry
Phone: (205) 739-7773
6496 Quail Run Drive
Hoover, AL 35124

Don’t Wait to Treat Your Child’s Abscessed Tooth | Indian Springs Pediatric Dentistry

Hoover Pediatric Dentist

Children may complain of a toothache, a bad taste in their mouth, or a bump on their gums. These symptoms may indicate that your child has an abscessed tooth. An abscessed tooth is a dental emergency, but fortunately, it is completely treatable and preventable.

What is an abscessed tooth?

An abscessed tooth occurs when the dental pulp and its surrounding tissues become infected. When tooth decay is left untreated, bacteria can spread to the inside and outside of the tooth, which can result in an abscess. If it occurs in small children, it should be treated right away because their immune systems have not yet fully developed, which can make it difficult to fight the infection. An abscessed tooth can become very dangerous if left untreated, as the bacterial infection can spread to the jaw, head, or throughout the body, causing an illness called sepsis that can be deadly.

Signs and symptoms:

Some children may not feel any discomfort, but a dental abscess can be extremely painful for others, with visible symptoms such as swelling and redness, as well as a fever. There may also be swelling around the neck or jaw. Additionally, parents may notice darkening or discoloration of infected teeth or bad breath in their children. The gums may also develop a white pimple-like nodule, or lymph nodes may swell. 

During times when children are not eating or drinking anything, they may complain of throbbing pain, difficulty chewing in that area, pus draining from the area, and a bad or bitter taste in their mouths. Symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing or swallowing, as well as new sensitivity to hot or cold foods, are less common. When children have abscessed teeth, their appetite may be diminished, eventually resulting in weight loss.

Diagnosing an abscessed tooth 

Infections that reach the pulp chamber of the tooth, which contains nerves and blood vessels, are called abscesses. As pus (white blood cells, bacteria, and tissue debris) accumulates, it spreads throughout the surrounding area.

Often, we can tell if a child has an abscessed tooth just by looking at it. Other times, an x-ray may be necessary to determine if the child has an abscessed tooth. Using x-rays, we can see areas not visible to the naked eye and find out if your child has an abscessed tooth. They also allow us to determine the extent of the abscess. Our Pediatric Dentist Hoover can use digital radiography, which exposes children to less radiation than conventional radiography.

How does an abscessed tooth develop?

An abscessed tooth is most commonly caused by an untreated cavity, although other dental problems can also cause an abscessed tooth. In addition to poor dental hygiene, a high intake of sugary snacks and/or beverages, and trauma to the tooth as a result of injury (which can chip the enamel or cause other damage) can all lead to an abscess in a child’s tooth. The inner pulp of the tooth, which consists of blood vessels, tissues, and nerves, can become infected if it is cracked or if it is affected by gum disease.

Pediatric dental care for abscessed teeth

Once diagnosed, an abscess on a baby tooth will be handled differently than one on a permanent tooth. 

Extraction of the tooth and drainage of the abscess is likely to be necessary for baby teeth. Some pediatric dentists may offer pulp and crown therapy, also called pulpectomy, pulpotomy, nerve treatment, pulp therapy, or “baby root canal therapy.” By treating the nerve, you can save the tooth and preserve its nerve structure. After this treatment is completed, a restorative crown is placed on the tooth to hold it in place until the permanent tooth emerges. Treatment depends on the severity of the abscess. In severe cases, the tooth may need to be removed.

To save permanent teeth, root canal therapy and a crown are usually required, followed by antibiotics to kill the infection. When dental infections are potentially life-threatening, surgical treatment may be recommended.

What can be done to prevent an abscessed tooth?

Since untreated cavities are the main cause of abscessed teeth, proper oral hygiene is essential to prevent them. Parents should encourage their children to follow oral hygiene regimens.

This regimen usually involves:

  • Brushing twice daily with fluoride toothpaste (Note: Parents should replace old toothbrushes with new ones every 3-4 months). 
  • Flossing daily
  • Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet that includes less sugar and healthier sweet foods
  • Sugary snacks, between-meal snacks, juice, and sugary drinks should only be consumed on special occasions.
  • Replace sugary snacks with raw vegetables, fresh fruits, nuts, or seeds.
  • Be sure to visit your pediatric dentist for a six-month checkup, along with any recommended cleanings, x-rays, and other exams and treatments. If your child’s dentist notices a cavity, make sure you keep the appointment so the cavity can be repaired right away.

After discussing the basics of abscessed teeth, you should have a better idea of what causes them and how they are diagnosed, as well as prevention and treatment options. Please contact our 35124 Pediatric Dentist office to schedule an appointment. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Indian Springs Pediatric Dentistry
Phone: (205) 739-7773
6496 Quail Run Drive
Hoover, AL 35124

7 Common Myths About Baby Teeth | Pediatric Dentist Near Me

Pediatric Dentist in Hoover

With kids, their smiles are constantly evolving and developing. There are a lot of changes between the time the first tooth erupts and the moment the last permanent tooth makes its debut. Children’s smiles have so much going on that it is no wonder several myths have emerged about children’s teeth. As pediatric dental specialists, we’re setting the record straight by debunking some of the most common myths about baby teeth.

Baby teeth are not important because they fall out anyway.

Although it is inevitable for kids to lose their baby teeth, and they will eventually be replaced by permanent ones, the primary teeth serve a variety of important functions.

Primary teeth, or baby teeth, serve as placeholders for the permanent teeth to erupt. Premature loss due to an injury or decay can lead to the other teeth shifting. As a result, the permanent tooth below may not come in straight or become impacted, where the tooth is unable to fully erupt. In addition, shifting teeth may cause crowded teeth and other orthodontic issues that could require lengthy treatment.

Aside from conserving real estate, baby teeth also play a role in a child’s oral and facial development and enable them to chew properly. Because teeth help produce certain sounds, they also aid in speech development.

In all of these cases, if a baby tooth falls out too early, you should see your pediatric dentist. A dental space maintainer can help prevent teeth from shifting and alignment problems. Additionally, decayed baby teeth need to be treated through tooth-colored fillings or other methods. By doing so, you can strengthen the natural tooth and ensure it remains in place until the time comes for it to fall out naturally.

Children should be given as much fluoride as possible to prevent cavities.

Fluoride is extremely important in strengthening kids’ teeth and preventing cavities. It can even reverse tooth decay in its earliest stages by remineralizing weak spots in the enamel, contrary to what myths claim about baby teeth being intolerant of decay. Additionally, when kids get enough fluoride while their teeth are still growing, it will be incorporated into their permanent teeth, which will have long-term benefits. The naturally occurring mineral is safe, but many kids don’t get enough of it, especially those who only drink bottled water or live somewhere where the municipal water doesn’t contain fluoride.

It is possible, though, to have too much fluoride. Too much fluoride can lead to a condition called fluorosis. Permanent teeth may become discolored due to fluorosis. In mild cases, the condition can be present as white spots on teeth or as lacy white markings. In severe cases, it can cause dark yellow or brown stains and pitting. The good news is that we can remove white spots on teeth caused by fluorosis using a special technique. However, avoiding the problem in the first place is always the best option.

Babies should wait until all their teeth are erupted before visiting the dentist.

A baby’s first dental appointment should be scheduled by age one. The reason for this is that kids can get cavities as soon as their first tooth erupts. A pediatric dentist will check your baby’s teeth and gums, help you develop a good homecare routine, ensure that your child’s oral and dental development is on track, and answer any questions you have about habits like thumb sucking or pacifier use. Additionally, starting dental visits early allows kids to become accustomed to the sight and sound of the dentist’s office, as well as build a rapport with the doctor and office staff. Having them feel comfortable will make future visits much easier and stress-free for both of you.

Children are capable of brushing their teeth.

Until they are older, children lack the fine motor skills necessary to effectively brush and floss their teeth. According to a study published in the Journal of Periodontal Research, five-year-olds brush only 25% of their teeth’s surfaces. Parents should brush and floss their children’s teeth. You can have preschoolers brush their teeth, but you might follow up with a once-over to ensure that they didn’t miss anything. You should supervise kids’ brushing and flossing until they are around seven or eight years old.

The same dentist I see can see my child.

Of course, families can take their children to whichever dentist they choose, and there are probably several general dentistry practices that do a great job treating children. There are, however, very real benefits to seeing a pediatric dentist. In addition to dental school, pediatric dental specialists complete two years of additional training in a residency program where they learn about children’s dental needs as well as ways to put children at ease so they can receive the care they need.

Pediatric dental practices are also designed for little ones. Among all the kid-centered amenities, many pediatric dental offices offer child-themed rooms, prizes, games, and sometimes show movies. Children enjoy visiting and are receptive to the dentist, setting them up for a lifetime of excellent oral health.

Children shouldn’t have dental x-rays.

The benefits of conventional dental x-rays far outweigh any small risks. Many pediatric dental practices now offer digital x-rays. Digital x-rays expose kids to up to 90% less radiation than conventional dental x-rays. Small sensors are placed in your child’s mouth and the dental assistant takes an x-ray right there. There are no uncomfortable bitewings. We use shielding to protect the body from unnecessary radiation, which is minimal. X-rays allow us to see in between teeth, inside of the teeth, and below the gum line, which are not visible to the naked eye. Early detection allows for easier, less invasive treatment and keeps your child’s smile healthy and bright.

Now that you know the truth concerning these common myths about baby teeth, are you looking for an experienced pediatric dentist to help take your child’s oral health to the next level? Contact our Hoover Pediatric Dentist office today to schedule an appointment.

Indian Springs Pediatric Dentistry
Phone: (205) 739-7773
6496 Quail Run Drive
Hoover, AL 35124

My Child Knocked Out Their Tooth! Now What? | 35124 Pediatric Dentist

Pediatric Dentist 35124

Ahhh, childhood. It’s fun and games until someone loses a tooth. Kids can be active indoors and outdoors all year round. Sports, skating parks, bounce house parties, climbing trees, jumping off swings, and even playing PE at school can all cause your child to knock their teeth loose or even knock them out! Dental health is strongly influenced by your child’s family history. Make sure your child visits their Hoover, AL Pediatric Dentist right away if they have experienced trauma to any of their teeth. When disaster strikes, how should you respond?

Check for serious injuries.

To knock a tooth loose (or out), you usually have to deal with a powerful blow to the head, and when it comes to head trauma, the tooth is usually the least of your worries. Symptoms of severe head trauma include:

  • Intense bleeding in the ears or nose
  • Loss of memory
  • Blackouts
  • Dizziness
  • Disorientation
  • misaligned jaws
  • Sleepiness
  • A severe headache or earache.
  • Feeling nauseated or vomiting
  • Double or blurred vision

Call 911 or rush to the emergency room if you observe any of these symptoms. Since severe head trauma tends to get worse before it gets better due to brain swelling, it’s best not to take any chances. Check to see if your child bit himself during the impact. Bite wounds to the tongue, cheeks, and jaw can all require stitches if they’re severe enough. Stitches are typically recommended if the wound is wide enough to not be able to pinch the edges together and if bleeding does not stop after ten minutes of applying pressure.

If your child does not have any of the serious injuries listed above, you can focus on a loose or missing tooth.

What should you do if your child’s tooth has been knocked out completely, is loose, or has been hit hard?

Make an appointment with your child’s Pediatric Dentist in Hoover immediately. A tooth that has been knocked loose or knocked out completely must be treated as soon as possible. Any patient who has been struck in the mouth should see a pediatric dentist. Your child’s tooth will have a higher chance of successfully being saved or repositioned if you act immediately.

When your child falls and hits their mouth, and their baby teeth are loose, what should you do?

Make sure your child sees their Hoover Pediatric Dentist as soon as possible. X-rays show whether there is damage to the root and nerves of a tooth or the underlying permanent tooth. The dentist might also need to realign the tooth if it has been knocked out of place so that other teeth (especially permanent teeth) do not erupt in the wrong position.

If the tooth is not crooked and your dentist isn’t concerned about the injury, it’s best to keep your child on a diet of soft foods for a few days so the tooth can re-implant itself. Cold foods can also reduce inflammation. You’re allowed to put your kid on an ice cream diet (yes, we’re permitting you).

What if the baby tooth is completely knocked out?

Most of the time, losing a baby tooth is no big deal. Ask your Best Pediatric Dentist Near Me what he or she recommends. If the permanent tooth is not fully developed at the time the baby tooth falls out, your child might have a slight gap in their smile for a bit longer than their peers. Some pediatric dentists may offer options for replacement if there are esthetic concerns. It is important to have your child evaluated by their pediatric dentist to ensure that there are no issues with their permanent teeth. 

A loose permanent tooth due to trauma

If your child damages a permanent tooth, the consequences are much more serious. Have your child seen by a pediatric dentist as soon as possible. If the tooth is loose, crooked, or dangling from the socket, it is an emergency, and the patient needs to be seen immediately. Even if the teeth are still straight and only slightly loose, it is important to have them evaluated by a dentist within an hour. Be sure to follow the dentist’s instructions if he or she prescribes a liquid or soft food diet for your child. This will help the tooth heal and reattach.

What if the permanent tooth is completely knocked out?

You should take your child to the dentist right away. Locate the missing tooth if possible. Avoid damaging the sensitive nerve endings at the root of the tooth when handling it. If it is necessary to rinse the tooth, rinse it with saliva or milk. Water will not help to preserve the tooth. If your child is old enough to not swallow it, the tooth should be carefully reinserted into the socket and held in place with a paper compact until you can get it to the dentist. Otherwise, place it in a cup of milk or saliva. If you see the dentist within thirty minutes of the accident, you have a good chance of having the original tooth reimplanted in your child’s mouth. The original tooth may need to be replaced with a dental implant if you cannot get your child to the dentist within an hour of the accident. 

Children lose teeth all the time, so it is a good idea to be prepared. Losing a tooth may only mean a visit from the tooth fairy. It may also mean a trip to the ER. In the event of a loose or missing tooth, the best thing you can do as a parent is to remain calm, rule out any serious injuries, and contact your dentist immediately. By acting promptly, your child’s pediatric dentist will have them smiling again in no time.

To schedule an appointment for your child, please contact our Hoover Pediatric Dentist office. We are happy to answer any questions you may have about early tooth loss caused by trauma.

Indian Springs Pediatric Dentistry
Phone: (205) 739-7773
6496 Quail Run Drive
Hoover, AL 35124

Is a Fluoride Treatment for My Child Necessary? | Pediatric Dentist 35124

Pediatric Dentist Near Me

A healthy smile is important to both you and your child. Each time your child visits our Pediatric Dentist Hoover office, our Hoover Pediatric dentist will check their teeth and discuss their dental habits. Additionally, we can determine whether your child is getting enough fluoride, which is found in most toothpaste and mouth rinses available at grocery stores. Fluoride can help your child develop strong, healthy teeth, which will benefit them throughout their life.

What Is Fluoride?

Fluoride is a chemical compound composed of fluorine, an element found in nature. Fluoride is found in drinking water and can strengthen teeth in their developing stages. When fluoride is applied appropriately, it strengthens tooth enamel and prevents tooth decay. Many dental products contain fluoride for this purpose.

What are the benefits of a fluoride treatment for children?

Fluoride helps maintain a bright and healthy smile! Fluoride can reduce your child’s risk of tooth decay when used regularly. Additionally, a decreased cavity risk means fewer extractions and less pain and discomfort associated with tooth decay.

How Does Fluoride Help Prevent Cavities in Children?

Fluoride contains minerals that can slow down or even stop tooth decay. It strengthens the enamel of teeth and reduces the risk of cavities. Fluoride can reduce the threat of tooth decay by remineralizing the exposed surface of the tooth. By using fluoride, maintaining good oral hygiene, and eating a healthy diet, you can reduce decay and help your child maintain a beautiful smile.

What is Topical Fluoride?

Topical fluoride is a type of fluoride treatment that is applied directly to your child’s teeth by a dental professional. Your child’s dentist or dental hygienist will apply fluoride to their teeth during their bi-annual appointment. The application is quick and easy, and it only takes a few minutes.

Is fluoride safe for my child?

When it comes to preventing tooth decay in children, fluoride is safe and effective and helps keep teeth strong and healthy. The use of fluoride products at home should be monitored by the parents and kept away from young children. Fluoride does not pose a threat unless it is used in extreme and excessive amounts. Consult your child’s pediatric dentist if you have concerns about fluoride use.

How is fluoride applied?

Fluoride is applied directly to your child’s teeth with a soft brush. Your child’s pediatric dentist will inform you of any aftercare restrictions and how you may introduce more fluoride into your child’s dental hygiene routine if necessary.

What are the side effects of fluoride?

Fluoride is only dangerous when used in excessive amounts. A high level of fluoride exposure can cause dental fluorosis or skeletal fluorosis. Dental fluorosis occurs when a child is exposed to excessive amounts of fluoride, resulting in white streaks or spots on their teeth. Using fluoride excessively over many years can cause skeletal fluorosis, which can affect bones and joints. Your child’s pediatric dentist will monitor the amount of fluoride used in the office and look for any signs of dental fluorosis.

Please contact our Pediatric Dentist in Hoover, AL office if you have any concerns or questions regarding the use of fluoride. We will be more than happy to schedule an appointment.

Indian Springs Pediatric Dentistry
Phone: (205) 739-7773
6496 Quail Run Drive
Hoover, AL 35124

Keeping Enamel in Good Condition | 35124 Pediatric Dentist

Have you noticed any white spots on your teeth? How sensitive are they? How about cracks, chips, or indentions on them? If so, you may be suffering from enamel erosion.

Our teeth have the hardest enamel of any body part. Dental enamel protects your teeth. Despite its strength, the body’s strongest substance shouldn’t be ignored. An enameled surface can erode over time. If enamel is not present, you are at risk of developing decay, abscesses, tooth pain, and even tooth loss.

Which factors contribute to enamel erosion?

Teeth erode for many reasons, some of which are related to everyday activities. For instance, sugar and acid can erode enamel. You can damage your teeth by drinking soft drinks or sugary fruit drinks frequently. Limit your consumption of these beverages to protect your teeth. A high sugar or starch diet can also erode enamel, as can alcohol. The bacteria in the mouth can turn starches and sugars found in foods like bread into harmful acids. 

You may also suffer from acid reflux, recurrent vomiting, digestive issues, genetically inherited conditions, grinding your teeth, or over-brushing and under-flossing. Your enamel, and ultimately your teeth, are affected by these factors. The enamel cannot be replaced once it has been worn away.

Eat fewer sweets so they aren’t everyday treats, replace white bread with whole grains, and eat more cheese and yogurt to keep your saliva’s calcium level high.

Is enamel erosion preventable?

Aside from limiting your intake of soft drinks, alcohol, sugars, and starches and being extra cautious about health conditions and tooth care, there are several other things you can do to protect your smile. For instance, saliva can neutralize harmful acids in your mouth. It is possible to boost saliva production by drinking water and chewing sugar-free gum. 

Don’t let sweets become everyday treats, and switch to whole grains instead of white bread. Enjoy yogurt and cheese more often. In addition to being high in calcium, both foods neutralize harmful acids in your mouth.

Healthy teeth depend on solid enamel. Make wise food and drink choices. Additionally, enamel erosion can result from other conditions such as excessive grinding of the teeth or acid reflux. We recommend that you visit our office regularly for a complete examination. We will discuss potential causes and solutions if we detect that your enamel is eroding. 

Get in touch with our Hoover, AL Pediatric dental team today to schedule your appointment.

Indian Springs Pediatric Dentistry
Phone: (205) 739-7773
6496 Quail Run Drive
Hoover, AL 35124

Improve your Oral Health with Probiotics | Indian Springs Pediatric Dentistry

In general, probiotics are marketed as being beneficial for digestion. In recent studies, they have also been shown to help improve oral health. This is because probiotics have been shown to fight infections that cause oral diseases. 

Gingivitis can be reduced by using probiotics.

Probiotics have been shown to reduce gum bleeding in patients with gingivitis. A placebo and two probiotic combinations were given to children in the trial. After three weeks, children who took probiotics had significantly improved gingival health.

Managing Periodontitis

Additionally, probiotics were shown to be effective against periodontitis as well. Bacteria cause periodontitis by separating gums from teeth, creating pockets that can become infected. In addition to fighting harmful bacteria, probiotics can reduce inflammation to help the mouth heal.

Defeating Cavities

The trial of Contemporary Clinical Dentistry also found that probiotics led to a significant decrease in plaque in children who took them. This led to fewer decay-causing bacteria. Plaque and harmful bacteria thrive in the spaces between your teeth where probiotics occupy them. 

Keeping Your Breath Fresh

Additionally, probiotics have a cleansing effect on your breath. Bad breath is caused by the odor-causing gases released by bacteria that produce volatile sulfur compounds. It is believed that probiotics can remove harmful bacteria from your mouth and maintain a healthy balance of bacteria. 

Probiotics are believed to have more benefits than just digestive health. According to researchers, probiotics play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy mouth and body. 

Contact our Hoover, AL dental office  today if you would like more information on dental health or to schedule an appointment.

Indian Springs Pediatric Dentistry
Phone: (205) 739-7773
6496 Quail Run Drive
Hoover, AL 35124

Taking Care of Your Teeth During Pregnancy | Pediatric Dentist in Hoover AL

Pediatric Dentist in Hoover

It is helpful if oral health is not neglected during pregnancy. Hormonal changes can significantly affect your oral health. There is evidence linking oral health complications to an increased risk of other significant health problems. What’s the most prominent oral health problem during pregnancy? How can you prevent it? Here are some tips from our Hoover, AL dentist.

Problems with your oral health during pregnancy

Women do not visit a dentist during pregnancy nearly as often as they do during other phases of their lives. We can detect problems early on by visiting our office regularly during pregnancy. Most pregnant women experience gingivitis. Pregnant women are more likely to have red, swollen, and bleeding gums due to plaque buildup. It can cause non-cancerous pregnancy tumors if the gums become even more swollen and inflamed. If left untreated, oral health problems can lead to serious health problems. 

There are several ways to prevent gum problems.

Brushing your teeth twice a day is the best way to prevent gingivitis. Ensure that every part of the tooth is touched, including the gums. Your gums will also remain healthy if you floss regularly. By visiting our 35124 dental team more frequently, plaque will be reduced, and potential problems will be minimized. 

The impact of poor oral health on your baby

According to the Academy of General Dentistry, there may be a link between gingivitis and preterm or low-birthweight babies. Gingivitis can cause bacteria to enter the bloodstream of the expecting mother and travel to the uterus. As a result, the bacteria release chemicals that may trigger early labor.

Pregnant women should maintain good oral health to avoid problems. The most common concern you can manage with the help of our dentist is gingivitis. When left untreated, gingivitis can lead to other health issues that can affect your pregnancy and your overall health. Consult your dentist before or during your pregnancy to ensure the safety of both you and your unborn child. We also recommend that you take your baby to the dentist as soon as their first tooth erupts to begin their journey to good health. 

For more information, please contact our Hoover, AL dental office today.

Indian Springs Pediatric Dentistry
Phone: (205) 739-7773
6496 Quail Run Drive
Hoover, AL 35124

Are My Child’s Medications Affecting Their Mouth? | Pediatric Dentist Hoover

35124 Pediatric Dentist

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that about 20% of children regularly take prescription medications. Over the years, the number of children who take medication prescribed by a doctor has steadily increased. Some medicines may harm your child’s dental health. Our Hoover dental team will better adapt our treatment plan if we know about any medications your child takes during their regular examination.

The following are five ways medications can affect your child’s oral health.

Dry Mouth

Dry mouth is caused by a reduction in saliva production in the mouth. Many medications cause the mouth to produce less saliva. Especially for young children’s teeth, saliva is crucial for neutralizing acids that may damage them. Leaving a dry mouth untreated can cause tooth decay to increase.

Enlargement of the gum tissue

Certain medications can enlarge or overgrow your child’s gum tissue. Gum inflammation can be prevented with extra attention. Our pediatric dentist in 35124 will recommend care instructions to ensure your child maintains healthy gums if this is the case. 

Tooth decay

Most medications do not cause tooth decay directly. However, some medicines use sugar as a flavoring. Liquid treatments are available in delicious flavors for kids and tablets that taste like candy. Sugar feeds decay-causing bacteria over time, leading to tooth decay. Whenever possible, opt for sugar-free versions of medications. It would help if you also had your child take their medication with a meal and a drink, so the sugary compounds are washed away.

 Bleeding from your gums

Blood clotting can be affected by some medications. An increase in bleeding may occur when your child is about to undergo oral surgery or is about to lose a tooth. If your child takes any medications, please tell us before scheduling treatment. This information will allow our team to provide your child with high-quality care.

Reactions involving soft tissues

Some medications can cause mouth inflammation, discoloration, and even sores.If your child experiences any of these symptoms, please contact us immediately. We can create a customized oral hygiene plan for your child to alleviate these side effects.

Keeping our team informed of your child’s medications is essential. It allows us to make appropriate treatment suggestions. Please contact us if you notice any changes in your child’s oral health. Our goal is to establish a lifetime of healthy habits and improve your child’s oral health with you.

Contact our pediatric dental office in Hoover, AL if you have questions about medications or your child’s oral health or to set an appointment.

Indian Springs Pediatric Dentistry
Phone: (205) 739-7773
6496 Quail Run Drive
Hoover, AL 35124